My english teacher is from KraKov... so she brought some souvenirs she has collected all this years from her trips... and what a best way to represent Russia than with mamushkas...

sometimes inspiration finds the most unexpected ways...
as i freeze... i wear several layers...

while she kept telling us about her souvenirs... i couldnt help but wonder(how very Carrie Bradshaw of me right?) as every time i travel... i almost never buy typical souvenirs... i tend to buy sunglasses... because everytime i wear them i remember the exitment i felt when i found them and how i wore them right out of the store where i got them... and the things i saw through those lenses... thats me y´all... vane Liiizziiie...
Sunnies: vintage, snake incrusted skin, italian bought at Zacatecas for less that 5 dlls 2 years ago during spring break... the same day i got them i saw the one and only Gloria Gaynor performing live for free!!! once in a lifetime...
scarf: a girft from a friend... i guess her sister got it somewhere... damn i wish i knew the story
faux-leather jacka: Zara
ring: Forever21... (my sister´s buy at new years eve in San Antonio TX...)
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