this fruit's scent remind me of 'posadas' (A popular celebration in Mexico and Central America between December 16 and Christmas Day to commemorate the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. It consists of a procession of models of religious figures that people carry on their shoulders, asking for shelter as they go by. The figures have their origin in an Aztec celebration, adapted to Christian tradition. Generally one family takes charge of organizing the models, and offers its house as the last of nine posadas. Other groups form, one of which goes from house to house with the figures, asking for shelter. It is turned away at each house. At the last house, the figures are taken in and put on an altar. The celebrations continue with food and drink, singing and dancing, where they give you a candy bag with animal-shaped cookies, traditional candy and tangerines, so for me christmas-time=tangerine-scent...)
However, i wasn't much of a fan, not until my NY trip... i remember they where the cheapest fruit (3 for 2 dlls, which is not cheap at all. Here i can get with that amount of money over 6kilos... maybe even 8) and easy to go... u dont need to wash them just like bananas...
sOo each time i eat them i get a range of mixed feelings... and pretty memories, oh man i wish i was in NY as i type...

mmm yummi!! i really love your ring!!!