ok... i'll stop whining and start bragging about my 'oh-at-first-thought-was-so-not-me-but-still-it-had-something-that-made-me-go-lala-and-love-it-not-only-because-its-by-HUSSEIN-CHALAYAN-no-its-because-the-whole-energy-thing-print-and-the-gorgeous-fabric' hahahahah (love writing things like that to spill some stupid stuff hahahahaha (if you dont like it pretend u didnt even read it)
but seriously i love everything about this (backpack would be a bad word to describe it but for me backpack relates to the purpose... school purpose) messenger bag designed for Puma under the creative direction of Hussein Chalayan... no more words needed Ü

pst pst i made this ring out of the Miss Dior Cheri bow at the top next to the vaporizer ;}

well first this jeans are a match-made-in-heaven(actually made under a schoolproject that included acrilic paint thankyouverymuch) to my OliviaNewtonJohn jacket... lets get physical... physical... i wanna get physicaaaaal lets get physical (with a tinymini voice...)
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