last week was H·E·C·T·I·C my dear friend asked me to help her evaluate final projects of her design students... i was delighted, some projects have lots of potential yet need to re·do almost 3/4 and that's not a bad thing at all!
and truth·be·told i finally understood how important it is for students to face objective teachers, you need to know what your mistakes are! and yes, if i were to be a 'teacher' i would be pretty much a bitch Ü
tragus piercing · MarcJacobs+MARIPOL neckchain · H+M tshirt · old trench coat · LOB jeans · localshoemanufacturer boots [im definitely changing the heel... i hate it]

i love this 'quotable·journals' i have one with black typo and i use it to record my process... personal issues that need to be adressed to my consciousness ... However,i wanted a new one... one that reflected my current momentums...
funny that they had 4 options... and this one could not have fitted any better... implementing colors is a challenge for me... i'm miss BlackGreyWhite girl [at least in my deco and everyday lazy outfits], and yes... i fell for it... becauuuuse...

the reason i gave·out [i like how this sounds better Ü] my local school system is because i NEED a challenge... to grow! to enjoy today... well the quote explains a lot of how i feel... ANDDD
i'm officially accepted·confirmed·enrolled to my summer program in FRANCE!!!
Boisbuchet... OhMyGosh...
this is Vitra+CentrePompidou summer sessions house... and my course is hosted by [insert drumroll please!] the school of visual arts from NEW·YORK...
[i feel like i just typed major words... so i took a break]
personally this means so much... and the funny part i dont get unsteady or anything... its just a happy jumping heart ready to do what it does best... LOVE!
i mean: love what i do... love what i see... love what i eat[i've been craving macarons for a very long time]... love where i rest... love my whole being Ü... so yes, i'm exited Üx10000000000000000000000000000000000000000

ps1: someone asked me if i missed or regretted my school decision... and honestly i cant! i have to for see lots of things a head for me i dont even have the time for blame.or.guilt
ps2: Ü
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