i could name this post
'shinning bright like a diamond'
but i wont.
podría ponerle el nombre a este post de la tan sonada canción de Rihanna
'shinning bright like a diamond'
pero no.
a little chronicle of this petit cadeau…
[in my heart this is actually huge!]
una pequeña cronica de este lindo regalito…
[en mi corazón de hecho es enorme!]
i was so marveled how cute this was wrapped…
me encantó como estaba envuelto…
i love the diamond and how it conects in my head to la Maison…
amo el diamante y su relación en mi cabeza con la Maison…
i remember the day when i found the boutique in Paris…
little did i know i was about to find a person who changed my life.
across the boutique in Rue de Montpensier there is a little alley that connects with the gallerie at Palais Royal, there is a little boutique [which has been revamped and is oh so perfect] GG and i remember she had the bracelet version…
i dreamed about it, but my budget was not realistic to the price of that master piece…
[i still believe i will find the whole set, if not soon, one day]
but i was extremely happy when i found this…
happiness does have a price, but we all find the one that fits with our budget.

[here, the bracelet i lost on eBay… the seller sent me the pic, i said yes!
everything was done, but then the last minute kicked in…]

here, the lamp at La Maison des Centraliens elevator area.
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