menswear on women… such an empowering way to subversively flaunt out femininity.
i am not a girly gal by any means, but in my game, details are what bring my look to the pink side…
the struggle is real whenever i feel the 'need' to amp up my woman game, and all i do is suit up.
and be a man. i know its all kinds of F'ed up but to me, heels and make up is as far as i dare to go.
i've always loved how older women wear scarfs and elevate their looks and add that flare,
such a refined, and elegant way to flaunt their femininity… i am trying to learn.
i am not good at observing and replicating everything to the nine.
i often find myself taking a U-turn, whilst at the same path… ergo, this post.
in a way, it ended up feeling somewhat arabesque [i am dying for a pair of indian flats! Aladdin style]
i don't know if it was the bronze, the shiny, festive feel of the carré's style, that made me feel the joy of the indian summer… also, side note, i bet this year's heat weave will linger for longer…

[PRADA FW 12 sunglasses + Bobbi Brown uber beige lipstick + PRADA black button up shirt + Hermès Collier de Chien in barenia + Zara drop crotch trouser shorts + Hermès glam carrè Ex Libris by Hugo Grygkar in copper + Fendi SS13 polifonia armadillo shoes]
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